1611 experiments

Experiments are projects that push the boundaries of art, technology, design and culture. Experiments inspire, teach, and delight.

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3D, A-frame, ARCore, Actions on Google, Android Live Wallpaper API, Android NDK, Android SDK, Android Things, Apps Script, Arduino, Augmented Reality, Blender, CLIP, Canvas, Canvas Quiz, Captive Portal, Cardboard SDK, Cast API, Cinder, Cloud Text-to-Speech API, Convnet.js, D3.js, Demoscene, Dialogflow, Firebase, Framer Motion, GAN, GLSL, GPT-2, Gamepad API, Google Assistant, Google Assistant SDK, Google Cloud AI, Google Cloud Speech API, Google Cloud Vision API, Google Maps Tile API, Google Natural Language, Google Sheets, Handwriting Recognition, Haxe, Javascript, Keras.js, Kotlin, Kotlin, LIT, Machine Learning, Magenta, Magenta.js, Mapbox GL, Maps Places API, MaryTTS, NLP, Nearby API, Nearby API, Node.js, Notification Access API, OpenCV, OpenGL, Opengl, P5.js, Paper.js, Particles, Pixi.js, Polymer, PoseNet, Potree, Processing, Raspberry Pi, React, React Map GL, Shadercam, Speech Synthesis API, Tango, Teachable Machine, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, Tensorflow, Tensorflow.js, Three.js, Tone.js, Torch, Touch Designer, Translate API, USB OTG, Unity, Visualization, Vuforia, Wavenet, Web Audio API, Web Speech API, WebGL, WebMIDI, WebRTC, WebXR, Websockets, Wekinator, es6, ink.js, openFrameworks, react.js, t-SNE, tensorflow.js

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Beethoven Beats

by Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Simon Doury
Tap a rhythm and explore Beethoven's piano sonatas

Voices for Change

by Project Everyone in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture Lab
'Voices for Change – A Global Goals World' brings to life thousands of voices in support of...

Fourth of July Fireworks Game

by Artists in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Jonathan Tanant, Christine Sugrue, and Nicolas Barradeau
This Fourth of July, you're in charge of the fireworks show!

Assisted Melody

by Google Magenta in collaboration with Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Simon Doury
Compose melodies like a maestro

Blob Opera - On Tour!

by David Li in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture
Play four voices in cities around the world, with the help of machine learning

AR Synth

by Artists in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Jonathan Tanant and Christine Sugrue
Turn your home into an electronic music studio with 3D and Augmented Reality!

Blob Opera

by Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture: David Li
Play four voices with the help of machine learning.

Shared Piano

by Google Creative Lab
Play music together live on the web.


by Google Research, Google Creative Lab, YouTube Music
An AI-powered singing challenge that rates how closely your singing matches the voice of Freddie Mercury

Pattern Radio: Whale Songs

by NOAA & Google Creative Lab
Use AI to explore thousands of hours of humpback whale songs and make your own discoveries.
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