Tarot Time

October 2018 | By Jane Friedhoff

A one-day experiment in learning how to make an Action for the Google Assistant.


Tarot Time is an Action for the Google Assistant that lets you pull a daily tarot card to guide your day, or learn more about cards that spark your curiosity. It was made as a one-day experiment in learning how to build an Action for the Google Assistant using Actions on Google and Dialogflow for the first time. 

To try it, just say “Hey Google, talk to Tarot Time” or “Hey Google, ask Tarot Time to pull a card.” You can do this with a Google Home device, or the Assistant app on your phone. 

You can follow a step-by-step guide with helpful tips for making your own Actions for the Google Assistant in this blog post.

Built by Jane Friedhoff with Actions on Google, using adapted and original tarot illustrations from the CBD Tarot de Marseille by Dr. Yoav Ben-Dov and adapted interpretations from TarotTools.com. Please note the original art may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Tarot images are distributed under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0 international licence.