1611 experiments
Experiments are projects that push the boundaries of art, technology, design and culture. Experiments inspire, teach, and delight.
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My Storytime
by Instrument
Helping families stay connected even when they're apart. Record stories from anywhere and play...
Tako Assistant 凧アシスタント
by Akira Kondo, Jun Masuda & Mash Studios
“Tako Assistant” is an Action on Google designed by Akira Kondo 近藤昭, a retired train engineer...
Tarot Time
by Jane Friedhoff
A one-day experiment in learning how to make an Action for the Google Assistant.
Greeting Cards
by Jam3
Make and send custom greeting cards.
21 Days of Gratitude
by Jam3
Log and share things you're grateful for.
Safari Mixer
by rehab
Invent brand new animals.
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