October 2017 | By Google Creative Lab
Make music using simple voice commands.
This experiment is no longer active, but you can still learn about it on this page.

MixLab is an experiment that makes it easier for anyone to create music, using simple voice commands. Just say things like "Play me a funky bass," or "Add some jazz drums." Or let MixLab surprise you by simply saying “Play me something." Try it on a Google Home by saying "Hey Google, talk to MixLab," or try it on the site.
Built by
Anthony Tripaldi, LAD, Maya Man, Prit Patel, Yotam Mann, Use All Five, and friends at Google Creative Lab using Dialogflow and Actions on Google. Learn more on our GitHub page.
Music by
Blake Straus - Composer & Musical Director
Alek Fin - Producer/Engineer
Blake Straus, Dylan Meek, Roland Gajate Garcia, DD Horns, Morgan Paros, Andrew Synowiec, Corbin Jones, Alison Balbag, Ian Mallitz.
Additional Production Assistance
Daniel Braunstein, Christopher Dwyer, Zac Sager, Mashadi Maximus
Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered at Pro Audio LA