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3D, A-frame, ARCore, Actions on Google, Android Live Wallpaper API, Android NDK, Android SDK, Android Things, Apps Script, Arduino, Augmented Reality, Blender, CLIP, Canvas, Canvas Quiz, Captive Portal, Cardboard SDK, Cast API, Cinder, Cloud Text-to-Speech API, Convnet.js, D3.js, Demoscene, Dialogflow, Firebase, Framer Motion, GAN, GLSL, GPT-2, Gamepad API, Google Assistant, Google Assistant SDK, Google Cloud AI, Google Cloud Speech API, Google Cloud Vision API, Google Maps Tile API, Google Natural Language, Google Sheets, Handwriting Recognition, Haxe, Javascript, Keras.js, Kotlin, Kotlin, LIT, Machine Learning, Magenta, Magenta.js, Mapbox GL, Maps Places API, MaryTTS, NLP, Nearby API, Nearby API, Node.js, Notification Access API, OpenCV, OpenGL, Opengl, P5.js, Paper.js, Particles, Pixi.js, Polymer, PoseNet, Potree, Processing, Raspberry Pi, React, React Map GL, Shadercam, Speech Synthesis API, Tango, Teachable Machine, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, Tensorflow, Tensorflow.js, Three.js, Tone.js, Torch, Touch Designer, Translate API, USB OTG, Unity, Visualization, Vuforia, Wavenet, Web Audio API, Web Speech API, WebGL, WebMIDI, WebRTC, WebXR, Websockets, Wekinator, es6, ink.js, openFrameworks, react.js, t-SNE, tensorflow.js

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X Piano

by Jesse Talavera-Greenberg
X Piano is a simple toy that allows you to use your own sound effects as keys on a piano. You...

Multiplayer Piano

by Brandon Lockaby
A multiplayer piano built with JavaScript and Viewed with Chrome, the page busts out...

Color Piano Theory

by Michael Deal
Color Piano Theory is an educational application that utilizes colors in teaching piano theory. ...

Shared Piano

by Google Creative Lab
Play music together live on the web.

Beethoven Beats

by Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Simon Doury
Tap a rhythm and explore Beethoven's piano sonatas

Seeing Music

by Jay Alan Zimmerman
Experience music visually.

Touch Pianist

by Batuhan Bozkurt
Touch Pianist is a musical toy / instrument that allows the user to perform hard-to-play...

AI Duet

by Yotam Mann
A piano that responds to you.

The Rational Keyboard

by Fritz Obermeyer
The Rational Keyboard is a browser app to play with harmony on the rational number line. It's...

3D Tunes

by Christian Wannerstedt
A simple interactive 3D piano. It’s possible to put on 10 different drum loops, and to make...

Drawing Melody

by Manxue Wang
Drawing Melody is an online collaboration drawing application. The interface of the application...
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