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3D, A-frame, ARCore, Actions on Google, Android Live Wallpaper API, Android NDK, Android SDK, Android Things, Apps Script, Arduino, Augmented Reality, Blender, CLIP, Canvas, Canvas Quiz, Captive Portal, Cardboard SDK, Cast API, Cinder, Cloud Text-to-Speech API, Convnet.js, D3.js, Demoscene, Dialogflow, Firebase, Framer Motion, GAN, GLSL, GPT-2, Gamepad API, Google Assistant, Google Assistant SDK, Google Cloud AI, Google Cloud Speech API, Google Cloud Vision API, Google Maps Tile API, Google Natural Language, Google Sheets, Handwriting Recognition, Haxe, Javascript, Keras.js, Kotlin, Kotlin, LIT, Machine Learning, Magenta, Magenta.js, Mapbox GL, Maps Places API, MaryTTS, NLP, Nearby API, Nearby API, Node.js, Notification Access API, OpenCV, OpenGL, Opengl, P5.js, Paper.js, Particles, Pixi.js, Polymer, PoseNet, Potree, Processing, Raspberry Pi, React, React Map GL, Shadercam, Speech Synthesis API, Tango, Teachable Machine, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, Tensorflow, Tensorflow.js, Three.js, Tone.js, Torch, Touch Designer, Translate API, USB OTG, Unity, Visualization, Vuforia, Wavenet, Web Audio API, Web Speech API, WebGL, WebMIDI, WebRTC, WebXR, Websockets, Wekinator, es6, ink.js, openFrameworks, react.js, t-SNE, tensorflow.js

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by Mr.doob
This is way simpler than it looks like.


by Mr.doob
A (fast made) javascript/webgl demo.


by Mr.doob
Little experiment visualising Kinect data with WebGL.


by Mr.doob
Started as a three.js interactivity example but I guess I got a bit over excited :)

GLSL Sandbox

by Mr.doob
Online live editor for Fragment Shaders. Go on, change some values. Have fun!

Voxels Liquid

by Mr.doob
3D representation of this classic 2D water effect...

3D Waveform

by Mr.doob
3D representation of the music playing. A blue box determine the position of the signal being...

Beach Balls

by Mr.doob
Found myself messing with cannon.js and three.js. Ended up doing something a bit like my old...

Multiuser Sketchpad

by Mr.doob
The idea is simple. A sketchpad where everyone can draw at the same time. The result is...

Water Type

by Mr.doob
Oldschool effect meets interactivity. Once again pushing the canvas tag, once again Chrome being...

Ball Pool

by Mr.doob
Start by shaking the browser, then create new balls (click on empty space), move some others...

The Single Lane Superhighway

by Aaron Koblin and Mr.doob
Take a drive on The Single Lane Superhighway. Watch the cars drive by, or draw your own and join...

Webcam Displacement

by Mr.doob
This time I was wondering what would happen if I extruded a 3D plane using the light information...

Google Space

by Mr.doob
When Angry Birds Space got released some months ago I thought I should also make a space mode to...

Plane Deformations

by Mr.doob
Yet another 20 year old effect seeing the light again thanks the recent performance boost of the...


by Mr.doob
Simple drawing tool with a set of special brushes. @developers: Take a look at the code and, if...

Depth of Field

by Mr.doob
300 balls form a plane, a cube, a little universe, a sphere and then disappear. Unfortunately...

Code Editor

by Mr.doob
Little online (and offline) code editor for messing around. Needed an editor so I could code on...

Kinect View

by Marek Janiszewski
Had a free moment and decided to try something I never tried, using the webcam. Inspired by few...

Magic Dust

by Mr.doob
Some months ago I was browsing and I realised that 95% of all the systems that...

Google Sphere

by Mr.doob
Once again your beloved searcher gets hijacked. This time forming a sphere. Mouse over the page...


by 5013
An infinitely random music box. Built using the latest and greatest Web Audio API technologies!...
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