1611 experiments

Experiments are projects that push the boundaries of art, technology, design and culture. Experiments inspire, teach, and delight.

Filter By:react.js

3D, A-frame, ARCore, Actions on Google, Android Live Wallpaper API, Android NDK, Android SDK, Android Things, Apps Script, Arduino, Augmented Reality, Blender, CLIP, Canvas, Canvas Quiz, Captive Portal, Cardboard SDK, Cast API, Cinder, Cloud Text-to-Speech API, Convnet.js, D3.js, Demoscene, Dialogflow, Firebase, Framer Motion, GAN, GLSL, GPT-2, Gamepad API, Google Assistant, Google Assistant SDK, Google Cloud AI, Google Cloud Speech API, Google Cloud Vision API, Google Maps Tile API, Google Natural Language, Google Sheets, Handwriting Recognition, Haxe, Javascript, Keras.js, Kotlin, Kotlin, LIT, Machine Learning, Magenta, Magenta.js, Mapbox GL, Maps Places API, MaryTTS, NLP, Nearby API, Nearby API, Node.js, Notification Access API, OpenCV, OpenGL, Opengl, P5.js, Paper.js, Particles, Pixi.js, Polymer, PoseNet, Potree, Processing, Raspberry Pi, React, React Map GL, Shadercam, Speech Synthesis API, Tango, Teachable Machine, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, Tensorflow, Tensorflow.js, Three.js, Tone.js, Torch, Touch Designer, Translate API, USB OTG, Unity, Visualization, Vuforia, Wavenet, Web Audio API, Web Speech API, WebGL, WebMIDI, WebRTC, WebXR, Websockets, Wekinator, es6, ink.js, openFrameworks, react.js, t-SNE, tensorflow.js

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Geo Artwork

by Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Caroline Buttet
Test your knowledge on the origins of artworks and artifacts


by Google Partner Innovation & bit.studio
Create fun animations in real-time with your camera.

An Ocean of Books

by Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Gael Hugo, in collaboration with Satellite Studio
Open this fantasy map and navigate an ocean of books

What Came First

by Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Caroline Buttet
Compare cultural moments in time

My Storytime

by Instrument
Helping families stay connected even when they're apart. Record stories from anywhere and play...

Teachable Snake

by Vince MingPu Shao
Classic snake game controlled by webcam image using pre-trained neural network models.
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