What Came First
June 2020 | By Artist in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Caroline Buttet
Compare cultural moments in time

What Came First, part of the Google Arts & Culture Games collection, offers a fun way to challenge yourself to learn cultural and historical anecdotes while playing.
Which is older? The white-domed Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur in Paris’ Montmartre district or the painting “The Yellow House” by Vincent van Gogh? Comparing seemingly unrelated facts can help us put things in perspective and think differently, which was the inspiration behind the game.
The rule is simple: the faster you correctly click on “what came first”, the higher your score! If you want to know more about the options presented, tap on an item to reveal further information.
The dataset used in the experiment comes from the knowledge graph with a subset of more than 400 popular items. The dataset is split in 6 categories: visual arts, music, films, architecture, inventions, celebrities.
What Came First is available on Google Arts & Culture app and website. Ready for more? Let's play!