3D Pop Up Card

June 2014 | By Caa1211


Video Play Button
Code: - https://github.com/caa1211/webOAcard Mouse Operations: Edit mode (init state / edit grid open) - left key : add points on edit grid to create a contour - right key : switch to Display mode - scroll : change depth of edit grid Contour editing - left key : add points or close contour (connect to the start point or pressctrl key ) - right key : undo the last point Contour closed (can use contour functions in GUI) - left key : use contour to create a Face/Pull/Hole (select from GUI) - right key : drag to move the contour - scroll : change the depth of edit grid Display mode (close edit grid) - left key : move the camera - right key : switch to Edit mode (open edit grid) - scroll : change the card angle

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