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3D, A-frame, ARCore, Actions on Google, Android Live Wallpaper API, Android NDK, Android SDK, Android Things, Apps Script, Arduino, Augmented Reality, Blender, CLIP, Canvas, Canvas Quiz, Captive Portal, Cardboard SDK, Cast API, Cinder, Cloud Text-to-Speech API, Convnet.js, D3.js, Demoscene, Dialogflow, Firebase, Framer Motion, GAN, GLSL, GPT-2, Gamepad API, Google Assistant, Google Assistant SDK, Google Cloud AI, Google Cloud Speech API, Google Cloud Vision API, Google Maps Tile API, Google Natural Language, Google Sheets, Handwriting Recognition, Haxe, Javascript, Keras.js, Kotlin, Kotlin, LIT, Machine Learning, Magenta, Magenta.js, Mapbox GL, Maps Places API, MaryTTS, NLP, Nearby API, Nearby API, Node.js, Notification Access API, OpenCV, OpenGL, Opengl, P5.js, Paper.js, Particles, Pixi.js, Polymer, PoseNet, Potree, Processing, Raspberry Pi, React, React Map GL, Shadercam, Speech Synthesis API, Tango, Teachable Machine, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, Tensorflow, Tensorflow.js, Three.js, Tone.js, Torch, Touch Designer, Translate API, USB OTG, Unity, Visualization, Vuforia, Wavenet, Web Audio API, Web Speech API, WebGL, WebMIDI, WebRTC, WebXR, Websockets, Wekinator, es6, ink.js, openFrameworks, react.js, t-SNE, tensorflow.js

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Brain Reslicing

by Nicolas Rannou
Slice a real MRI Brain data-set in arbitrary directions. Everything is happening in real-time!

Brain Surface and Tractography Viewer

by D. Ginsburg and R. Pienaar
The Brain Surface and Tractography Viewer was developed at Children’s Hospital Boston in the...

MRI of the Earth

by Refik Anadol with Variable and Google Arts & Culture Lab
Media Artist Refik Anadol interprets our planet’s ‘body’ to engage the public with the harm we...
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