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The Chaos Game

by Andrew Wang-Hoyer
An attractor based fractal generator.

The Tumbler

by Andrew Hoyer
A simple physics simulation/meditation/relaxation experiment.

CSS3-D Clock

by Andrew Hoyer
A 3D clock made with lots of divs sprinkled with CSS3 3D transforms. Click (or touch) and drag to rotate.

CSS Zoetrope

by Andrew Hoyer
An early animation device built entirely with CSS. Play around with different rotational...

Walking with CSS3

by Andrew Hoyer
Using only CSS3 and very basic HTML, I constructed a simple man (myself) and made it walk. Works...

The Blob

by Andrew Hoyer
A loveable blob built on some simple physics. Grab eye, drag it around. Be sure to also check...

2D Cloth Simulation

by Andrew Hoyer
The cloth is simulated by using a combination of point masses and constraints. The point masses...
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