Passage of Water
November 2023 | By Yiyun Kang
In collaboration with artist Yiyun Kang and NASA, learn about freshwater availability and engage with possible solutions to avoid a water crisis.

Dive into the Passage of Water, a three-part interactive experience that vividly illustrates the alarming reality of our planet's dwindling freshwater reserves.
The experience explores why freshwater is such a precious resource, how NASA data can help us understand what is happening to our lakes, rivers and reservoirs, and some possible solutions we can use to avoid a water crisis.
By interacting with Passage of Water’s storytelling and visuals, everyone can learn how our activities and the shifts in our climate are impacting our water budget across selected places around what world such as Egypt, Pakistan and Alaska, and to discover how technology can support solutions, adaptation and mitigation methods that can help us secure this vital resource for the future.