November 2020 | By Artists in Residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab: Christine Sugrue and Jonathan Tanant
Celebrate Diwali @ Home with Augmented Reality!

Every autumn, millions of people around the world come together for firework displays, feasts, prayer, and festivities in celebration of Diwali - the festival of lights.
To recreate some festival fervour, artists in residence at Google Arts & Culture Lab experimented with WebXR for you to play with Diwali lights in Augmented Reality. Using the Google Arts & Culture app on Android, decorate your space virtually with diyas (lamps), light a virtual anar (firecracker), for some explosive fun, and to learn more about these important cultural traditions.
Celebrate Diwali by bringing virtual light into your home!
You can also learn more about this festive tradition by visiting our page Celebrating Diwali at Home on Google Arts & Culture.